Sorry for neglecting this site for soooooo longgg again. Mid year exams are finally over, but we have another exam coming in around three weeks time. ):
Anyway, I finally got rid of the site's old blogskin and hereby present to you, a new look for SMK Seafield's official Kelab Seni Foto website! Bwahaha! This layout is pretty simple though.
First of all, we say good bye to our secretary, Tan Christine of 2Kukuh, who has already transferred to Tenby International School for a better education. For Christine has been our secretary for nearly half a year, we don't intend to find someone to replace her unless really necessary, for the time being. And we miss her already!
Chua May Yean, who is also the winner of the t-shirt designing competition, has been appointed as our club's new vice-president to replace our dear Faralia Sofea of 1Elok who transferred to a boarding school at the begining of the year. I just thought I needed someone to help update this website and all, and May Yean is really reliable as she is also our school's afternoon session head prefect. Congratulations to you, May Yean! :D
We are currently working on the price of Kelab Seni Foto's t-shirt and all, so please be patient while we do.
Oh, and I'd like to wish good luck to Low Jun Mae, one of our club member, who will be competing in a dance competition in Singapore (if I'm not mistaken) this Saturday.
Today, all the AJK's and I were expecting to take our club picture in the hall at the third period. We had Pn. Khatijah make an announcement so that all the AJK's will be there for the photo shoot. Our new vice-president, vice-secretary, treasurer, a couple of *ahem* temporary *ahem* AJK's, and I met up with En. Ardi.... Unfortunately, we found out that yesterday was the camera man's last day here and we have to take our club picture ourselves. LOL..