I doubt that anyone still follows this blog ever since it died, but I'm gonna make an effort by posting anyway. The school is killing us with all the exam pressure, oh don't we all deserve a break? Well, I guess most of you would have noticed the new "photostream" thingie at our sidebar, and the fact that all the pictures in May Yean's previous post have dissapeared. Hehehe.. As you can see, I've transfered all of May Yean's pictures to our new Flickr photostream, which, believe me, will work if you give it some time. So just wait for a couple of days and the pictures will show, okay? I was thinking about May Yean's suggestion on having monthly contests taking pictures based on a theme, and the winner will be given a prize. It's great for us all to capture great photos and share it with everyone, since this is a Photography Club, but then the idea of prize giving isn't the very best as our club is currently facing some money problems (keep reading for our explanation). So, if you've captured a really great photo which you're awfully proud enough to show it off, do share it with us and we'll upload it to our photostream. How? Well, you can either upload it to an image host, and then send us the URL via the tagboard, or you can email it to us at seafield-photography@hotmail.com or at joanneee.candygram@hotmail.com (preferably this one 'cause it's more active). TYVM. (:
I'm sure if you're actually reading this you must be really anxious to find out the reason why we're facing money problems, which is also the reason why we suddenly decided to collect RM1 for our club fund. Well, long story short, okay? After much consideration, we've decided to hold a really HUGE event opened to all students of SMK Seafield. The event will remain a secret until we have the permission of Qistina Omar, the president of morning session's Kelab Seni Foto, who has yet to contact us. I'm really excited on hosting this event since it's nothing like any of the events that was ever held in our school before. Yes, I'm making you even more anxious! Bwahahaha! In order for us to hold the event, we're gonna need some money, that explains why we've been collecting RM1 from all of the club members. So, to those who has yet to pay, or shall I say, refuse to pay the club fund, we really need your support here. I'm pretty sure that if this major event goes well, all of us will benefit from it. And if you happen to be from an unbelievably wealthy family, of course you can contribute more to our club. Besides, the amount of club fund we're asking for isn't a lot of money. We had to pay RM5 last year, and even Rumah Unggu asks for RM3. We understand if some of you couldn't afford to pay us, then that's okay. But don't try to lie to us about it, 'cause we'll eventually find out. Hey, we've all been through this sort of thing before, you know.
Basically, I'll let you guys know when the event can be officially announced. (:
Oh, and to Chunyeen at the tagboard- I am so so so sorry for taking so long to reply. Our club is basically just like any other club, the only difference is probably only that we learn about photography during our meetings. Encik Ardi, our teacher advisor, teaches us how to use the functions on our cameras, the basic usage of photoshop, anything about photography, really. Hope this info helps you out abit! :D