Sorry for not updating this site frequently for the past few weeks, we all have been really, very, extremely hectic for the past few weeks 'cause of all the projects we have + preparations for Sports Day.

1. Marshmallows covered with chocolate with nibbed almond + colorful sprinkles as toppings. (Best selling)
2. Lollipops (2nd best selling)
3. Iced Lemon Tea (3rd best selling, as there were no ice)
We proudly made a total of RM108 and around 60 cents. Not bad as our stall was sooo miserable and hot because our tent was stolen by some other club.
Credits to:
- Jennifer Khoo of 2K
- Tan Christine of 2K
- Chen Zhou Yen of 2K
- Lam Lick Yin of 2K
- Brandon Chan of 2A
- Ooi Zheng Yi of 2K
- Gan Yue Yang of 2K
- Tan Wee Keat of 2K
... for helping us out with the cleaning, the selling, for keeping our stall 'company' the whole time, etc. We had some leftovers which we had given out to everyone for free when Sports Day was nearly ending. We'd like to thank everyoneeeeee who bought stuff from our stall, although our selling price for everything was considered as quite expensive. We reduced the price of the marshmallows by a dollar after we found out the cause of our business being bad. Business eventually became good thanks to our fellow classmates who helped us to sell the stuff with a lower price.
Although we have raised quite alot of money during Sports Day, ideas on how we can earn some more money will be highly appreciated. We are currently trying our best to raise as much money possible to save costs for our Kelab Seni Foto t-shirt and our school trip. So, if you have any ideas, do let us know via our tagboard. Thank you! :D
To Everyone At the Tagboard (except for 'passerby', of course) :
Thank you all for supporting Kelab Seni Foto! :D
We will try our best to provide you the best we can as the AJK of the club throughout the whole year. We reallyyyyyy appreciate your support truckloads. And to those who submitted a design for the t-shirt design competition we held, please do not hesitate to let us know what you would like us to reward you with, and we will try our best to do so. :D
Tags will be replied..... soon. (:
P.S. Visit my blog at && drop a tag! :D